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How can you tow the brand line, but still stand out?

The “Channel” is an interesting place to work, no matter which industry you might call on. You are still approached with similar challenges. Whether it be finding yourself as some sort of large north barge, breaking ice to the point of exhaustion or how to hit your numbers with half the resources of the next brand…it can be an up hill battle (and the hill is definitely a bit oily).

As a Channel Manager you are tasked with steering Resellers, Distributors, and Marketing initiatives, effectively “owned” your patch. So it is no surprise there can be a fast rate of turnover with a HIGH rate of burn outs. Coming through a few Channels (Retail, B2B Technology, and Hospitality/Foodservice), getting to know people almost becomes a joke in itself sometimes.

You will find many that don’t really look to invest in you until you have been around for a while (how do you do that when they don’t want to engage, right?), and that in itself can make the role beyond challenging.

Don’t worry, we got you though, after doing our own grind over the years we have some thoughts to share on how to be “the resource”, no one can refuse. Maybe or maybe not the last one is the most important, but it doesn’t happen without the first 4 so…what does that matter?

5 Ways (Top is so presumptuous) to be the Channel Account Manager no one saw coming:

1. Do more prospecting that you should, always.

Before you can be the “Deal Maker” you have to be the “Deal Finder”, this role requires dedication and with that a fine line between business and personal. If you walk that line well, you can keep your ears open for Opportunities everywhere. Be IN your market, that means stay educated about not only what your Distributor’s or Reseller’s End-Users are doing (good start though) but understanding what that End-User Vertical is doing in in other best practices. Being a SOURCE is the first step to being a RESOURCE.

2. Build actual relationships, invest in people.

No, this doesn’t mean getting the best deals on bottle service (we know it’s a skill), although “Gary’s” story is touching after a few glasses, he likely won’t remember that “bonding” moment in the morning. It won’t turn to deals and your budget won’t recoup as fast as that veteran AM. What you need here is to let your guard down a bit, drop any facade, keep professional, and just be yourself. Not everyone may LOVE you, but people will see they are getting to know the REAL you. In an environment where that tends to be rare, it will be refreshing. Just don’t treat the office like it is your house…it’s not (no matter how much you “decorate” your cubicle), but who is in an office now anyway? (We will cover Zoom habits at a later date)

3. When you see a challenge or “problem” be proactive, and communicate PRIVATELY.

Being proactive beyond things that are “Paying at the moment” just doesn’t happen enough, being helpful on the job and paying attention doesn’t stop when the phone hangs up or your current engagement ends. In addition, don’t be “that guy” introducing Operations or other issues, without talking to the people directly responsible for them. Giving the team and the company the opportunity to overcome challenges, together, it is the life blood of longevity in our eyes. Throwing people under the bus…well just gets messy.

4. Ask peers, vendor associates, and daily contacts; “How can I make our days easier?”

This is a big one for us, being self-aware is great, but having a better awareness of those in your environment is the secret. This doesn’t mean you have to be everyone’s best friend, it’s actually more of an operational efficiency purpose. Everyone (we mean everyone) around you plays a significant part in the machine that is your organization. On or off your immediate team, showing a small passion for what others do to support will go a very VERY long way. No need to be overly curious or micro-manage your peers, show actual interest in the challenging part of what they do. If you aren’t sure what those are…start there!


5. Don’t ask for deals…really ever.

OK, this MIGHT be a little bit of an overstatement, but it really is true and if you play your cards right…you don’t have to ask for deals. If you are bringing Opps to the table and covering the other ground discussed, the deals come. Don’t get confused, this isn’t the same as “asking for the deal” or “closing”, this is simply don’t run up on “Tom” and ask him what he has for you today after talking to him 3 times. You should be too busy helping them find Opps that there isn’t time to even ask this question.

A few days in the week at the gym doesn’t hurt to keep the energy going either 🙂

Most of all enjoy the environment and the people in it, you will find common ground with many you would never expect. You even stand a chance at making a life long bond here and there, and that’s the real payout.

The post 5 Ways to Separate Yourself from the (Channel) Account Manager Pack appeared first on James Supply - Channel Partner & Strategic Sourcing.
